Colour Me Blue

Colour Me Blue - I

March 2017 - New York City, US

Colour Me Blue - II

December 2016 - San Francisco, US

Colour Me Blue - V

December 2022 - Tokyo, Japan

Colour Me Blue - III

June 2019 - Singapore

Colour Me Blue - VI

January 2023 - Bangkok, Thailand

Colour Me Blue - IV

November 2021 - Paris, France

Colour Me Blue

Blue hour (n): the period of twilight when the sun is at a significant depth below the horizon and residual, indirect sunlight takes on a predominantly blue shade.

As a photographer who particularly enjoys vibrant bursts of colours, my plans usually revolve around sunrises and sunsets; but, over the years I have come to appreciate the subtle yet significant beauty of this special time.

Colour Me Blue is a continuous series dedicated to this special time from my travels across the world.